Ordinary People's Theatre - Emma Sheehan

Who You Gonna Call? Episode Two

Emma Sheehan Season 1 Episode 13

The incredible Abbey Wood Ghost Hunters are back on the spooky trail, and hoping to make an amazing breakthrough in the psychic community. 
Will Professor Bernie win back the Britain's Number One Ghost Hunter title from her arch rival? Will Chris stop moaning? is Marge on the verge of quitting and joining a rival group?  Where did new girl Ray mysteriously disappear to? And just what the hell is the problem with the terrible staff? Join the mystic circle on yet another disastrous road trip...

Thanks for listening! I really appreciate it. You can find out more about me at www.emmasheehan.co.uk. Or get social with me on instagram and twitter @emmasheehanwriter or drop me a line at emmasheehanwriter@gmail.com
Emma x